Monday, 9 November 2015

The Gift in you

I use to be a good scratch that...I used to be a very good singer (if I may say so myself *wink*wink).
I remember the first time I sang in church back in my beautiful sun-tanned land of Nigeria, I gave a special number(in Naija terms means a song) which I wrote myself. I wish now I could remember the song or had kept the lyrics but after that day my life changed. Everyone said I sounded wonderful.The choir leader of that church said I must join the choir...the rest they say is history...I discovered a love for singing and writing songs. Back then, I was a very shy girl and I found that in my little room in Apata I could express myself through singing and writing. I had found an outlet and I loved it.

My fondest memories of singing was the first time my Dad heard me sing in a small church in Leeds after initially jokingly telling me 'not to disgrace him o'. Well after I finished singing in church, he was beaming like a proud father. He raved about me all day and to anyone who cared to listen about how good I was and that in his own opinion  'I was better than 'Whitney Houston' Hmmm yes I know:) he was perhaps a little bias...but the echoes of his comments that made me feel ten feet tall and every chance I got I would sing and encourage people around me to as well. I moved to the wonderful town of Milton Keynes and of course joined the choir and continued my love for singing. I was still a bit shy but my voice was high, sonorous and powerful..Then I left for Canada and then I stopped singing. I mean I sang to myself but because I did not put myself out there, there was nothing to measure myself against so I did not improve on it.

 Fast track 10 years and I can hardly hold a tune, how..why..I am natural at this???. I did not nurture the gift in me. I realise now that because God gives you a talent does not mean you automatically thrive in excellence of that gift. Like a seed, it needs to be fertilised, watered, put in the right environment and condition so it can bloom.
I mean the gift is still in me, I know I can people say its should be like riding a bicycle...maybe so...but what I am saying is develop the gift in you, enrich it...go for classes, practise, make yourself better. Hone your talent. Don't take what God has given you for granted.
As an example, singing sensation Whitney Houston was a rare talent, she broke the height of singing with her majestic voice, an inspiration for many other singers to aspire to but in later years it all went downhill with the demons of drugs and issues that unfortunately plagued her. Guard your heart, guard your gift and nurture it and it will make you stand before kings and people of excellence. This is my rant for today.

Yes! I am making sure that I don't stop writing ...or singing:) Watch out for my next novel...'Forbidden' coming out soon. If you want to buy my last novel which I am sure you will enjoy reading, please go to amazon to purchase my novel called Madrigal or you can buy directly from me and I will send you a signed copy

On that note, I will be publishing/sharing my  new short story called 'Bus Conductor' chapter at a watch out for this

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